[a] An exploration of human rights in transboundary languages.
SOUND AND VIDEO INSTALLATION - 3. until 10. December 2021
with LIVE PERFORMANCES 3. / 4. / 7. / 10. Dec - 20 h
KRONENBODEN Projekträume
Schwedenstraße 16 - 13357 Berlin / 16 - 21 Uhr (Free Entrance)
The project [a] takes Human Rights Day as an occasion for their artistic, multi-perspective reconsideration. When the UDHR was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, the world was even more male-ruled and dominated by the global north than it is today. [a] poses important questions about the goals of the Declaration of Human Rights, the targets of those goals, and whose human rights are being excluded. In a dialogue that transcends borders in every sense, the international team takes this declaration as a starting point to search for what unites us, for what we have in common, and for a universality of human rights that includes everyone. The title [a] stands for the utopia inherent in this project. The sound [a] occurs in almost all languages, so it stands here for a connecting link of communication. And just as [a] has its own sound depending on the linguistic context, human rights also take on different shapes depending on the context and require localized concretization.
Artists from different countries - from the global south as well as from the global north - create a cross-border dialogue with the artistic means of sound, video, and dance. The sound and video installation uses the UDHR as its text and language material. The 30 articles of the Declaration were recorded in 30 different languages and served as source material for short compositions by various sound artists. In addition, small teams of dancers and video artists developed cinematic commentaries on the individual articles of the UDHR. These varied components flow together in the sound and video installation in the project space Kronenboden. In addition, four dance performances will be staged in the installation over four days, adding another level of engagement and commentary.